
Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Use the Microsoft Excel NORMSINV Function

Microsoft Excel is an electronic worksheet application wherein you can store, organize, and manipulate data. Excel has columns and rows which are labeled as numbers and letters.
To make your calculation easier with Excel you can use the Excel Functions. These functions include Math Functions, Database Functions, Engineering Functions, Statistical Functions and many others. Statistical Functions allow you to do common and complex computations starting with mean, median and mode to probability tests. However, some of the functions are not pre-installed in the older versions of Excel.
The Statistical Function is divided into sub-groups to easily find the function and formula you want to use. A sub-group of the Statistical Function is the Distribution and Test of Probability includes the NORMSINV function.
The NORMSINV function allows you to compute the inverse of the Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution Function for a given value of the probability. In this distribution, the standard mean is zero and the value of the standard deviation is one. The syntax of the NORMSINV function is =NORMSINV(probability). The probability argument refers to the probability in the normal distribution.
There are two common errors that occur while using the NORMSINV function and these are the #VALUE! Error and the #NUM! Error. If the given values in the probability are non-numerical values then the #NUM! Error will occur. Likewise, if the probability value are lesser than zero or more than one then the #NUM! error will occur.
Open a blank Excel worksheet or spreadsheet and input the formula on cell A1 =NORMSINV (0.908789) and the result will be 1.3333. The result is the probability of an inverse standard normal cumulative distribution. Another sample formula is =NORMSINV (0.25) and the result will be 0.67448975.
The NORMSINV function finds the z value in the probability such as the NORMSDIST (z). The precise value of the NORMSDIST depends greatly on the NORMSINV. Moreover, the NORMSINV use the iterative technique to search and if the coverage of the search did not reach 100 iterations the error #N/A will occur.
In using the NORMSINV functions the #NUM! error and the #VALUE! error will usually occur. The #NUM! error will occur if the given probability in the formula is less than or equal to zero and if the value is also greater than or equal to 1. The #VALUE! error will occur if the given probability in the formula is non-numeric.
Moreover, you can view from results to formulas and results to formulas by selecting the cell and hit the Ctrl+` (grave accent) keys. Also, you can do this by hitting the Formulas tab and select the Formula Auditing group and select the Show Formula options.

Seven Advamtages pf Online Learning

Are you concerned because you have failed to complete your education due to some personal problem? You need not worry anymore! Online learning now offers a more effective way of imparting education to students than the traditional method of classroom teaching. I have discussed below the seven advantages that online learning provides to all types of students.
In 2008, a survey was conducted by the University of Florida on 20 virtual schools in 14 states. The researchers stated that the "average yearly cost of online learning per full-time pupil was about $4,300". They compared the 2008 figure with the data of a 2006 survey that found out the annual average cost per student in public schools to be $9,100.
Distance No Barrier
With online courses, you can enjoy learning while staying at any place across the world. You don't have to bother going to school and attending the classes regularly. You can freely access the courses or subjects offered by the institutions over the Internet, anytime, 365 days of the year.
Effective Education
The online teaching method leads to far more effective results than what its classroom counterpart does. Students get to interact with their instructors online and resolve their queries accordingly. This web-based teaching system gives more room for exchange of ideas and other valuable information.
Interactive Teaching
Both the students and the teachers can engage in live discussions whenever they wish. Webinars can be organized throughout the year where you will get to hear the expert advice of well known instructors. You can ask questions and solve your course-related doubts.
No Software or Hardware Fixing
You don't have to buy, install, or maintain any software or hardware to learn online. You can apply for admission to any class during a given Cloud-based semester. Everything from registration to sending of fees can be done over the Internet without you being physically present to complete the process.
Reduce Expense
Organizations can save money as well as time while using the Cloud-based learning method. You don't have to spend much dollar on infrastructure. The money that you would spend on buying food or coffee gets saved once you enroll for an online course. What's more! You can become a local library member and borrow text books instead of waiting to get one reserved by some other pupil of the campus.
Earn Degrees Conveniently
You can conveniently earn an online degree while doing a job. Since the system allows you to study anytime, you get the time to finish your other important tasks.
Offers Greater Flexibility
The online teaching method lets students to start a course and end it depending on their convenience. There is no fixed time for study and hence, you can easily divide time for doing a job at daytime and studying at night.

Java, JDBC, and Database Web Services

Java is a computer programming language and is a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform and has achieved a universality that delivers offshore Java development seamlessly. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is an API for Java programming language that defines how a client can access a database, which when you outsource Java development leads to a homogeneous interface among heterogeneous systems. Database Web Services enables application-to-application interaction over the Web regardless of platform, language, or data formats.
JDBC Features
JDBC contains methods for querying and updating a database. JDBC is oriented towards relational databases. JDBC API dynamically chooses the correct Java packages and registers them with the JDBC Driver; a JDBC Driver is used to create JDBC connections. These connections support methods for querying and reporting. Java developers can execute statements remotely when data sources are distributed due to offshore Java development. The connections can accept and run "creating" and "executing" commands, e.g., SQL's update commands like CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. It can also execute query commands such as SELECT. An update statement is one that updates data in the database and returns a number that is the count of the number of rows affected. Query statements fetch rows of information from the database to the client. There can be any number of rows in the returned data. Data can be retrieved by attributes like a name or a column number. JDBC Drivers are client-side adapters that translate Java program requests to a language that the DBMS can understand and respond to - critical interface that makes it plausible to outsource Java development.
JDBC API can be used by a Java developer to design Java applications that access any kind of tabular data, e.g., data in an RDBMS by using 3 programming steps.
  • Connecting to a data source, such as a database
  • Sending update or query statements to the database
  • Receiving and processing the information returned from the database
The JDBC product components are:
  • JDBC API - provides access to data in a database via Java programming language; executes SQL commands, receives results, and updates changes; interfaces with multiple data sources in a heterogeneous and distributed architecture
  • JDBC Driver Manager - defines objects which can connect Java apps to a JDBC Driver
  • JDBC Test Suite - helps to determine that JDBC drivers will run the program
  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge - provides JDBC access via ODBC Drivers
JDBC architecture - JDBC API supports a 2-tier as well as a 3-tier
Architecture for Accessing a Database
2-Tier Architecture
Java app interfaces directly with the data source - a client-server configuration where the user's commands are directly processed by the data source and results are sent back to the user.
Source: docs.oracle.com
3-Tier Architecture
Java app interfaces with a middle tier, which sends the commands to the data source - makes it easy to control access, simplifies app deployment, and provides performance advantages.
Database Web Services features
Database Web Services allows seamless interaction between applications even though they have varying platforms, languages, or data formats. When you outsource Java development, the free interfacing between client and server apps becomes crucial. Database Web Services are standard mechanisms for easily accessing remote content and applications. Using stored procedures via standard Web Services protocols, a client app can query and retrieve information from a database repository, even remotely in case of offshore Java development. The non-dependency can work through heterogeneous, distributed, and non-connected environments. The core components like XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI are used across the industry powering up enhanced offshore Java development. Web services are implemented in the middle tier application servers. Database Web Services works either by accessing database resources as a Web service or consuming external Web services from the database itself. Some salient features of Database Web Services are:
  • Enhanced PL/SQL
  • Java-in-the-database
  • SQL Query
  • DML

Why Use CakePHP for Web Development

CakePHP is an open source framework which offers a rapid application development platform to web developers. As the name suggests, it uses PHP, the most popular open source programming language for developing web applications. CakePHP allows web development companies to develop highly robust and featured websites by using simple procedures. Although there are many PHP frameworks available in the market but CakePHP has managed to secure its position among the most popular web development platforms available in the market.
The reasons to use CakePHP for web development are:
The MVC Pattern: CakePHP is based on Model-View-Control model which separates the business logic from the data presentation layer. Models connect the database with queries and save the data in the database. Views present content in a viewable format to the end user whereas controllers process the data before it interacts with the database or model.
Object Relational Mapping: Data is saved in the form of tables which are further represented through classes. Relationships can be defined between different tables through these classes. Further, validation definition and callbacks can also be predefined in this setup. CakePHP supports ORM technique thus incorporates the features of an object oriented programming language.
Allows the Reusability of the Code: CakePHP allows the usage of prewritten code into different projects which saves a lot of development time. Developers don't need to focus much on code writing thus they can concentrate on the logical and creative part of the project rather than writing code. Chunks of code can be picked and incorporated into the projects.
Zero Configurations: CakePHP requires zero configurations before developers can start using it. Most of the feature and settings are auto detected thus developers are not required to configure any settings other than the database connection settings.
In-built Validation: CakePHP offers built-in validation features that are very simple yet efficient in use. Developers can attach multiple validation rules to a single file and attain advanced validation functionality.
CRUD Scaffolding: CakePHP offers CRUD functionality which allows easy management of data. It allows you to Create, Read, Update and Delete the various entities in the system. Most of the database management issues are solved by implementing CRUD in the CakePHP framework. Developers can easily compress and store data and get help from the CakePHP development community whenever they want.
Open Source Platform and Supports PHP: The most important factor for the wide popularity of CakePHP is that it is an open source web development platform and supports PHP for web application development. This allows PHP developers to create highly robust and cost effective websites.
Normally, web development companies and PHP web development service providers work on very tight budget therefore they try to explore and extract maximum out of these open source technologies to develop highly functional and cost effective websites in the minimum timeframe. CakePHP was launched in year 2005 when most of the market was captured by Ruby on Rails and Spring frameworks. Since then CakePHP has performed magnificently and now has a fair share of its own. Web development service providers and PHP developers are now making extensive use of CakePHP for web development and web application development purposes.

How to Manage Users and Groups in Linux

There are several ways to create a users and groups in Linux that are graphical, however the standard way to create a user is through the command line.
Step one is to create the group, then create the user and place the user in the group. In Linux when a user is created without specifying a group then a group is created by the same name as the user. Consider a system that has 100 users if each user was created without specifying a group then there will be 100 groups. You must be root in order to create users, groups, and users' passwords.
# groupadd executive
Creates the executive group. To verify that a group was created view the /etc/group file.
# useradd -d /home/gbush -group executive gbush
Creates the directory /home/gbush, add the user gbush to the group executive group. To verify that the user was created view the /etc/passwd file. This file contains a record of all of the users on the system.
# passwd gbush
Creates a password for the user gbush as texan. The password of texan does not fit the necessary length and complexity, but as root you can change the password to anything you want.
# useradd -d /home/dcheney -group executive dcheney
Other useful commands are
userdel and groupdel for deleting users and groups.
usermod and groupmod for modifying users and groups.
Considering the current political structure of this example (executive, legislative and judicial) can help you create groups, then add the appropriate users.
New Sessions
In Linux you can create login sessions by pressing Control+ALT and Function1 through Function6 keys. This is a good way to test the new user accounts.
Because it can be difficult knowing who you are logged in as you can type the following command
This will tell you who you are and what groups you belong to.
You may also become another user by using the su command.
#su gbush
This command would allow you to become gbush. If you are not the root user then you will be asked for the password of gbush.
#su - gbush
The above command says that you want to become gbush and you would like to run his startup scripts and be placed in his home directory.
You may become a member of a different group by using the newgrp command.
#newgrp executive
Would place you in the executive group. Please note that if this is not your default group as noted in the /etc/passwd file, and you are not listed as a member in the /etc/group file then you will not be allowed to become a member of the group. As far as root is concerned, root can do anything at anytime.
Help can be obtained by using the manual command.
#man ls
Would give you the manual page of the ls command. This can be quite helpful if you forget an option to a command.
If you cannot remember a command but you know what it is similar to you can use the apropos command.
# apropos who
Would show you all of the command that have the word contain the world who.
The help command can be used to get help on some built in command.
#help logout
If you are concerned about where in the file system a command would be run from type in the following
#whereis rm
Would show you where in the system the rm command would be executed, if you were to type the command.
If you know part of the command but you would like to know where it exist on the system you can use the locate command which searches a database of file name that is maintained nightly.
#locate who
Would show you all of the files that have the word who in them. This search is done through out the system. This is good for user defined commands.
In order to configure the Linux computer for different services, you should have a good understanding of standard UNIX and TCP/IP commands. These are a few of the commands that are used in Linux:

Magento Introduction: Magento For Developers

Magento, a powerful and successful ecommerce platform widely used by global developers has changed the era of ecommerce world. It allows developers to create magic by developing next-generation, dynamic and highly attractive web applications with the use of its rich features. Magento development is based on PHP framework and is an affordable solution for ecommerce sites. Most of the people around the world opt to get involved with ecommerce business and thus Magento development is the best option for them. It offers Magento developers with flexible and attractive design options so that their stores attract more visitors.
Being an open source it is more advantageous for Magento developers to use it for development of online stores/websites. However if you want to use this program then it is advisable to learn some basic knowledge of how it works, how to run it, how to get the most out of it and how to get it developed by skilled designers/developers.
The first step towards learning Magento is its code which is organized into individual modules. A PHP application which has MVs framework controllers are in a single folders while rest all modules are in another. Magento customization needs extending the blocks, modules, features, helpers or just editing the core files. It allows managing multiple websites or stores with just one backend. While creating a new module for Magento customization you need to add an XML file to a folder. Being a convention based MVC based system whenever any new controller is added it needs creation of file/class so that the system can automatically pick it up.
In Magento Development identification of your business or company is referred as Package or a Namespace. Different community members will use their individual package name for creating modules so re-use of other's code is avoided. Each portion of URL specifies different things like the first one tells the front name while the second one tells Magento to use the controller and third one is the action name which is "view".
For using the controllers it is necessary to configure them so that it is linked with Module with a URL. By not finding a valid controller for a URL Magento tries again with second set of routing rules. Magento uses static factory methods on the global mage class which is called Grouped class known as URI. Similar to other frameworks also Magento offers ORM system which helps you out to avoid writing of SQL and results into pure clean PHP code. It also allows multiple objects via an interface.
Magento has two types of model objects, one is the traditional one and the other one is Entity Attribute Value Model. While instantiating these models all attributes are selected automatically. EAV offers flexibility in Magento customization. After dealing with models, helpers and controllers now it is the turn of:
  • Setting variables for view
  • Loading of default "outer" HTML layout by the system
  • Loading of view inside the outer layout by the system
A tree or nested collection of "Block objects is called as Magento Layout. Each block renders a specific bit of HTML and performs with the help of PHP code. These blocks are specifically meant for retrieving data. These mini controllers (Blocks) can be defined well as head and body for HTML. Also there are additional blocks for various purposes like navigation, welcome message etc.
Magento also implements event/observer pattern like other system so that end users hook into it easily. It allows you to save and even issue any event signal if desired. Last but not the least Magento is a great system that allows to replace model, helper and block classes from the core modules with your own. Anyone out of you is likely to have a single store, website or store view but be sure and aware enough that you can expand the product for any changes in future.

Discount Ink Cartridges: Finding Certified Online Ink Retailers

An issue that many consumers face when purchasing office supplies is trying to find the best quality for the lowest prices. Though there are a number of questions one must ask oneself when buying any product, purchasing ink cartridges present a number of unique challenges. What is the minimum quality acceptable? Would remanufactured cartridges fulfill one's needs? Are refills an option? Answering these questions can help any consumer make the best decision. When considering the various options available, try to keep in mind that the cheapest printer ink cartridges are typically of equal or greater value than their OEM counterparts.
Though there's a great deal of propaganda out there that generic inks have the potential to damage brand printers, the potential for such damage is actually quite low. As long as the quality of ink is approximately the same, one should be perfectly safe using the cheapest printer ink cartridges that are compatible with brand printers. That being said, learning the exact brand and model of one's printer will greatly reduce the chance of purchasing an incompatible ink, further reducing the risk of harm to the machine. Printer manufacturers do not want consumers purchasing generic inks and, consequently, cannot be entirely trusted to provide accurate information regarding such generic inks.
Going online can greatly increase one's chances of finding deep discounts on office supplies ranging from high gloss photo paper to high quality generic printer inks. With a minimal understanding of how to navigate the internet and a penchant for savings, spending less on ink shouldn't be terribly challenging. One issue that must be considered is that any website that does not hold ISO-9001 certification should not be trusted. Why risk purchasing inferior products because the company didn't take the effort to gain certification? Finding certified online ink retailers is simply a matter of doing a search in one's favorite search engine.
Whether one is printing beautiful, high quality photos on one's home printer or using the office printer to improve workplace communication, finding the cheapest printer ink deal for your printer should be top priority. With the host of acceptable retailers available online, there simply isn't an excuse for paying the high prices typical at stationary supply stores. Giving in to brand retailers just doesn't make sense. Save time, energy, and frustration - go online and find the best ink retailer around. Don't forget to pass on the savings by donating to a favorite charity or offering to print photos on the home printer for friends and family.

What Benefits Can NFC Technology Bring To The UK Consumer?

As technology advances the term Near Field Communications (NFC) will sure to be identifiable to many, but perhaps not entirely sure of its applications or reasons for being. As of late NFC is becoming more and more apparent within consumers products such as mobile phones, credit cards, door entry systems and even in sim cards themselves. Forecasts conducted by Juniper Research discovered that by 2014 one in five smartphones will feature NFC technology.
So What Is NFC?
NFC is a short range wireless technology that can be used to to carry out transactions between two electronic devices at close range. Hence the technology being widely adopted and embraced by mobile manufacturers. A NFC device must include three to four elements. The NFC interface and antenna. Including Bluetooth pairing and smart poster/tag detection. The NFC standards cover communications protocols and data exchange formats that are based on already existing radio frequency identification (RFID) standards.
To help give an example of the most likely successful attempt to embrace this new technology is Google Wallet.
The new service provided by Google will eventually allow any mobile device to make payments in-store. By simply tapping the mobile phone onto the stores NFC compatible receiver. That will usually be incorporated into the chip and pin devices currently in use. Although, Google Wallet is currently only available at over 140,000 merchants across the US, with future plans of implementing worldwide in the near future.
As explained by Google, Google Wallet will eventually incorporate your loyalty cards, receipts, gift cards, boarding passes enabling your phone to do more than your wallet ever could. Other applications that can soon become widely adopted can be for use with public transport. Much like the oyster card that is currently available in London.
How Can NFC Benefit Me?
The benefits of using NFC in many of our every day activities are yet to be seen but it's clear to see the possibilities are endless. Wherever sharing, transactions and pairing is required NFC can be implemented.
For sharing between devices, Bluetooth and WI-FI currently require strict co-operations and agreements between the two devices. Whereas, although NFC has a much more limited range it ultimately consumes less power and reduces the requirement of passwords and security codes.
So once the devices are both registered through NFC by simply touching the devices. There is more flexibility, since the devices can then be moved to a similar range that Bluetooth has.
But contactless payment has to be the best use of such a technology at the moment. With the possibility for instant payments that are made by simply swiping the card near a payment reader. Currently Barclays already uses debit cards that has contactless technology built in. This can enable all users to pay for items that are less than £15. Although still in the introduction stage, there is still quite a way to go before everybody will be able to maximise the use and benefits that NFC can bring.
With so many advances in mobile technology it is difficult to imagine what the future will hold. With camera's capable of capturing 8 megapixel photo's and 1080p HD video with the combination of now achieving cheap calls to USA, Australia, Poland and anywhere from a mobile device. It's almost impossible to imagine a world without smartphones and where the limits are for the devices to continually grow and improve.

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Buy A New Laptop Charger On Cost Alone

Laptop chargers do not last forever. They are likely to develop some fault for one reason or another. Sometimes, pets and children at home tend to damage them. In some cases, a faulty laptop power supply can cause flaws as well.
Many people tend to rush out and purchase cheap laptop chargers from the internet or a local store. While these chargers may serve you well in the beginning, they can cause more issues in the long run. Read on to learn about the most important reasons as to why you should not use price as the only parameter to select a laptop charger:
1. You are likely to miss out on important parameters related to quality and compatibility when price becomes the only important aspect in such purchase decisions. A large number of people regret buying inexpensive and non-branded chargers that last for a week or less.
2. In some cases, you can even find laptop chargers being sold as low as £10. However, such chargers can destroy your expensive laptop if anything goes wrong. It can then be pretty hard to convince a service center for free repairs to fix damages caused by a faulty or non-certified charger.
3. A laptop charger must meet all your laptop power requirements. Any incompatibility can cause serious damage to your device. Complications in your charger can cause significant damages to electrical circuits in your laptop.
4. Never buy a universal charger if you can find a genuine model recommended by the manufacturer on the internet.
5. Not all laptop chargers are designed to adjust to the surrounding temperatures. This is especially the case with cheap chargers available online. Low or high temperatures can cause a cheap and low quality laptop charger to malfunction very easily.
6. Almost all manufacturers recommend a particular charger according to the specifications of a laptop. These specifications are stamped on the rear end of a laptop.
7. Ignoring compatibility issues of a laptop battery and charger can be a very costly mistake.
8. Many 'shady' manufacturers are now selling duplicate chargers as well. These may appear to be original since they are stamped with company logos and holograms, but they are not. Unbelievably low prices are the most common tactic used by scammers to sell such duplicate items on the internet.
9. It is possible to find laptop chargers with additional features. For example, you can now find solar chargers based on photovoltaic function. Many chargers are designed to protect laptops from frequent fluctuations as well. A cheap laptop charger has none of these features.
10. In the long term, a cheap and low quality charger can only cause problems for a laptop owner.
Scores of online retailers are trying to persuade customers to buy inexpensive and low quality computer peripherals. It is easy to get fooled if you are not careful about selecting only branded and genuine laptop chargers and other computer accessories online. You must visit only a trusted and reputed online seller to ensure the safety and longevity of your laptop.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

Acer introduced the TimelineX series of laptops in its Aspire range a couple of years ago, separating them from the flock by their extraordinary battery backup. Acer continues to manufacture TimelineX series laptops, now using newer components with the latest Intel's second generation Core processors. The Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb was sent to us for a review. It was obvious for us to expect a good battery life and a better performance. The review will tell you whether or not this TimelineX lived up to our expectations.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

The Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb.

Design And Features
The Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG instantly mesmerises you with its slim profile at just 24 mm thickness. The sturdy blue body is constructed out of plastic and aluminium with a rich brushed finish. The 15.6" 1366x768 LED backlit panel is just 6 mm thick at the bezel. The screen and the bezel have glossy finish, which easily gathers dust and fingerprints. The hinge of the lid is pretty sturdy, making it unnecessary to have a lock to secure it. It can open up to 150 degrees wide.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

The TimelineX is noted for its slim profile.

Acer has changed the type of keyboard to chiclet-style in this iteration of the TimelineX laptops. This is a full size keyboard with a separate Numeric pad. The keys are comfortably spaced and have a good tactile feedback. The direction keys seem to be too small, though it is hardly a negative to be considered. Function keys double as keys to handle special functions using the "Fn" modifier key, which allows them to be used to perform tasks such as switching between displays, toggling wireless on and off, multimedia functions, etc. The main ENTER key is deliberately made larger so that you don't miss this oft used key, while the SPACEBAR is of perfect length. The touchpad supports multi-touch and has a clearly demarcated vertical scroll zone. It is intelligently placed right below the SPACEBAR, thus reducing the chances of the palm from accidentally touching it.

A backlit Power button is present just above the keyboard towards the left corner, while the right corner has two blue LED indicators to conveniently indicate the status of CAPS and Numeric lock. There is also the PowerSmart button, which can switch the laptop to operate in a power saving mode to maximise the battery life, although in this mode, the screen becomes too dim to work without straining your eyes. A 2.0 speaker system is present behind the perforated metallic strip at the centre. Acer mentions that these are professionally tuned with Dolby Home Theater 4.0 certification.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

The laptop has a comfortable chiclet-style keyboard.

Three USB 2.0 ports are provided side by side on the left side of the laptop to connect peripheral devices. A DVD-RW drive is situated next to them to take care of tasks related to optical discs.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

Ports on the left side.

The ventilation grills are flanked by a Kensington lock slot on its left and various ports on the right. These ports include a Gigabit Ethernet port, a D-Sub port to connect older monitors, an HDMI port for HDTV output, a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 port marked by its blue plastic interior and audio jacks for microphone and headphones. The USB 3.0 port in this laptop supports charging of devices such as mobile phones and media players even when the laptop is switched off.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

Ports on the right side.

A multi-memory card reader slot has been provided at the front. Various LED indicators for power, hard drive activity, and Wi-Fi are present just besides this. This laptop also has a battery gauge button with an LED at the centre. This button lets you find out the battery charge status by pressing it, even when the laptop is switched off. The LED at the centre of this button glows red if the battery is low and blue when it is charged.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

Indicators and battery gauge button on the front.

Ventilation grills are present at the bottom of the laptop for hot air exhaust. RAM can be upgraded from the 3 GB to 8 GB by opening the panel secured by screws. The laptop comes with a six-cell battery with the manufacturer rating of 6000 mAh. Unfortunately, the battery is concealed and cannot be replaced or upgraded by the user.

The laptop is powered by an Intel Core i5-2410M dual-core hyperthreaded processor running at 2.30 GHz, with 2.90 GHz Turboboost. It comes with 3 GB DDR3 memory and a 500 GB 5,400 RPM hard drive. The graphics subsystem is handled by NVIDIA Optimus technology, which intelligently switches between the Intel onboard and NVIDIA GT 540M graphics to manage performance and battery life. You can also force the graphics processor to be used with an application via the context menu.

Acer provides Windows 7 Home Premium with this laptop. It also provides MS Office 2010 Starter Edition along with a 30-day trial version of McAfee Internet Security Suite and a few backup tools, disc burning utility, Acer GameZone Console, etc, to make sure that the laptop can be used right after you buy it without having to install anything extra.

Thanks to the powerful processor and graphics, the laptop exhibits an overall sound performance. Watching movies and listening to music is not a problem because of the good set of speakers, and the crisp screen. Since it is not a 1080p display, any 1080p content played on it is scaled down to the native resolution, thus reducing the system load.

Gaming performance of this laptop is decent with the GT 540M aptly handling medium to high settings in most games. We tried Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which yielded around 30 fps at high settings with 4x MSAA. Similarly, Dirt3 also performed without any problem. One possible reason for the good performance is that the display resolution is limited to the display's native resolution of 1366x768. The laptop does get quite hot after around 15 minutes of such gaming, after which the CPU throttling invariably steps in and reduces the gaming performance.

Windows Experience Index shows that this system is more powerful than many a desktops.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

Windows Experience Index.

Synthetic benchmark results are as follows:

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

PCMark 7 score.

Review: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb

3DMark 11 score.

The PCMark 7 and 3DMark 11 scores are indicative of a powerful system, easily capable of serving as a desktop replacement.

Display Performance
The 15.5" screen reproduces images with good colour and contrast. Gaming or viewing fast-paced movies is not an issue, thanks to a fast response time. However, the screen is plagued by extremely narrow viewing angle, which means that the colours cannot be viewed uniformly on the entire display from any viewing position.

Audio Performance
Audio performance was found to be exceptionally good, although it had an understandably limited bass component. The audio is very clear with dialogues crisply audible. Probably thanks to Dolby Home Theater 4 certification, the speakers present an excellent soundstage with the audio seemingly enveloping you - something quite unexpected of a pair of speakers placed less than 30 cm apart. Overall, the 5830TG exhibits an excellent positional audio performance.

Battery Life And Power consumption
We measured the battery life by actually using the laptop and also by Battery Eater Pro. While using it, we chose the Balanced power scheme of Windows 7 and performed regular tasks such as using a word processor, surfing the internet using Wi-Fi, listening to occasional music and video. The laptop lasted for around 8 hours and 26 minutes, which pretty much corroborates Acer's claims of the long battery life.

The Battery Eater Pro test results did not disappoint either. The two tests run in this utility are the Reader's test which simulates real-world reading scenario, while the Classic test uses OpenGL rendering to simulate heavy usage such as gaming. The battery backup lasted for 4 hours 4 minutes in the Reader's test, while it lasted for 2 hours 23 minutes in the Classic test. The Battery Eater Pro results put it on par with the Acer Aspire AS5755G in the Reader's test, but put it far ahead in the Classic test.

The laptop consumes around of 62 W when stressed to the limit. During regular activity with the Balanced power scheme of Windows 7, it consumes an average of just 18 W. This means that the entire laptop consumes as much power as a regular 23" LED monitor.

The Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG-2413G50Mnbb presents a tremendous desktop replacement option while exhibiting extraordinary battery backup. Students who live in hostels and working professionals who are on the move would find it appealing due to its workhorse capability and good multimedia performance. A good gaming experience with the discrete graphics and excellent positional audio is a bonus. There are a few negatives as well, but these fade in view of the positives offered by the 5830TG. The laptop is priced well at a street price of Rs 41,295 with a 1-year International Travellers Warranty and free Transit Insurance.

NVIDIA GeForce LAN Tournament Comes To India

Planned anything important for 14th October? You may want to reschedule unless it happens to be more important than prizes worth Rs 10 lakh on offer at the NVIDIA GeForce LAN event. The LAN party projects a mammoth capacity of 1000 maximum participants, replete with gaming rigs sporting "NVIDIA Geforce GTX graphics processors". The game roster includes Counter Strike 1.6, Call of Duty 4, FIFA, NFS, and GTA. Interestingly, NFS and GTA will have separate "for girls" only events.

However, what's even more interesting is that NVIDIA may have found the one thing missing in Indian gaming - Shah Rukh Khan. Not only will the winners personally receive prizes from the "King of  Bollywood", but the event also vaguely promises "a chance of trying your skills against megastar gaming fanatic Shahrukh Khan!". With NVIDIA expecting 1000 gamers for the one-day event, I wonder how many will actually get to go mano-a-mano with Khan. Hopefully, this gimmick should, at the very least, fulfil the quorum for the girls-only gaming events.

The NVIDIA GeForce LAN event is open to everyone. Click here to register. There's no word on the event location and prizes, but the organisers have promised to reveal more information as the event draws near.

NVIDIA GeForce LAN Tournament Comes To India

FIFA 12 Midnight Launch With Game4u

Pop quiz: What's common between marksmanship, chess, and spelling bees? These are games that Indians excel in, and not coincidentally, the ones involving the least physical activity. It's little wonder then that most Indians prefer playing football over most other games. By that, I obviously mean the multi-platform video game from Electronic Arts.

Another year and another FIFA game. This time around, FIFA 12 will get the proper midnight launch treatment, courtesy of Game4u. Mega Mall, Oshiwara (Bombay) will throw open its doors for FIFA fans on September 30, 2011 (Thursday night) precisely at 12 AM. While the first customer to buy the game will get a 1st to own certificate, everyone who picks up a copy at the midnight launch will also receive a Rs 500 voucher redeemable at any Planet Sports Bombay outlet.

Game4u has also scheduled the Score & Win contest, which will be hosted at four of its stores in: Mega Mall (Oshiwara, Mumbai), Infiniti Mall (Malad (W), Mumbai), VIVA (Jalandhar), and MBD (Ludhiana). The contest starts 30th September and goes on till 2nd October, 2011. One who scores the highest number of goals and beats the current top scorer, stands to win undisclosed, but "cool" freebies from the video game retailer.

Bounce Boing Voyage Nokia N-gage Review

I grew up playing a lot of 2D games - Double Dragon, Mario, Contra, Top Gun, Green Beret, and so on - and till today, I rank these way up on my list of games. There is something really unique about 2D games; they have a different appeal. A few years back, I played the original "Bounce." It was a fun game and reminded me of "Dangerous Dave," another 2D classic. The latest version of Bounce ditches its classic roots and takes on a 3D avatar; this may not go well with everyone, but to be honest, the developers have created something very special. Bounce 3D is the perfect mobile game. It's simple yet challenging. It's vibrant, fun, and has tremendous replay value.

Bounce follows a simple concept; you have to reach from point A to B, and your only special ability is "Jump." The levels are beautifully designed and suit the core gameplay. While reaching your destination is easy, an important factor is collecting brightly colored spheres, which can be found throughout the level. Some of the spheres can be found very easily, while some others are harder to get. The hidden spheres add quite a bit of replay value, as you will find yourself often going back to previous levels to collect more spheres, and thus, getting a better score. The score can then be posted online. It will be compared with that of others and result in an online rank/position. Consoles have been following the ranking strategy for years, but it's rather new in mobile gaming.

The controls are easy to use and completely customizable; you can even tilt and rotate the screen, which is a great option. The superior level design strikes a great balance; there are times when you will be rushing downhill like you do in Sonic, and then there will be times when you take it slow and solve a puzzle. In the second half of the game, you gain the ability to transform yourself, turning from a spongy ball to a solid rock. The transformation is on-the-go and adds a completely different dimension to the gameplay. The second part of the game is less about bouncing and more about breaking into objects, hence the transformation into a rock.

The game looks really good for a mobile game and can easily pass of as a Nintendo DS title. The levels are designed very well and the presentation is quirky; overall, this is a great game, apt for mobile gaming.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Keyword Hunting

Keywords are very important for your website to get free traffic from all search engines. So, in this part we will let you know which keywords are most popular or unpopular and which keywords you should use on all of your web pages (in your meta tags).

Keyword Popularity and Competition Checker:


If you choose keywords for your website without do any research, your efforts will be like shooting a gun into the dark place. There are two important points for doing your keyword research. The first is popularity and the second is competition.

A way to find the competition and popularity keywords, ask our uncle is Google by type a keyword in the search box and see the result. All of the web developers wish to reach the top page rank in the search engine, that why they always provide useful and helpful content to their visitors. Some of them try to build many backlinks to their websites by leaving their links on the form of images, articles, videos, e-books, forums and many social networks like facebook, twitter, myspace,... etc. Over the time, your keywords and page rank will climb up to the top even faster.

Try to Use Different Keywords

Just use different versions of your keyword phrase and if you can, get those keyword links in the body of the article, as near to the top of the page as you can. This will make your link building look much more natural in the eyes of the search engines, especially Google.
Overall, you must have hundreds, if not thousands of keywords that you’re targeting with your marketing. You must constantly keep building links for those keywords from related sites on the web. Sometimes it is helpful to truly view your keywords as organic, something that keeps growing naturally on its own. But you must first build a solid foundation with good quality content and then keep nurturing those keywords with good quality link bait so that others will bookmark, recommend and link to your keyword content.

How to Earn Money with Blog

With a blog you can earn money without spending money. If you are looking for a way to start earning money on the Internet and you have a budget that is very small or zero, blogging is a great way to get started. Exactly, if you are terrible to design or don't want to spend money for hosting a website, blogger is the best choice for you to build your own empire to make money online.
Especially, with a blog no need any codes or programs you just follow the instruction on the blog is done. It's simple! Easy to earn!

What is a Blog

A blog is a simple web page that anyone can set up for free. A blog is a voice among the online crowd. It's a personal website that everyone can register for free. You have nothing to spend to have a blog for making money on the Internet. What you have to do just choose a good name with your keyword for your blog is done.

How to Register a Blog

Register a blog is as easy as create an email account. You can register a blog with blogger.com, wordpress.com, hubpages.com, or squidoo.com. All of these blogs have many benefits to
First, you have to find a blog name (if possible please choose it as a keyword). Title should refer to your content and includes the keyword as well.

Register at blogger.com:
- Click on "CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW" > Fill out the form
- Enter title and blog address > Choose a template
- Start Posting > Enter title and Content
- Click on Setting > Click on Publishing > Notify weblogs.com change to "YES" (weblogs.com is a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes).

You can make money online with a free blog by joining advertisement program such as Google AdSense and other Pay Per Click programs. Or you can join with Affiliate Niches for free.

How to Ping a Blog

When you finish posting, you need to ping it. Pinging lets the blog directories know that something has changed. The search engines will come crawling / updating. Every time, you post new content to your blog, you need to ping it.
How to ping a blog, just click on http://pingomatic.com

Windows 8 Preview

Taking a different tack than it did three years ago, Microsoft has made a preview of Windows 8 available to anyone who takes the time to download it.
Windows 8 Developer Preview, as Microsoft called the pre-beta build, was posted to a company website shortly after 8 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday.
The downloads, which range from 2.8GB to 4.8GB in size, come with no restrictions, a company spokeswoman confirmed earlier in the day.
Microsoft gave customers their most-detailed look yet at the new operating system during a two-and-a-half-hour presentation at its BUILD Windows conference, which opened Tuesday and runs through Friday.
When Microsoft debuted a similar developers preview of Windows 7 in October 2008, the company limited the early look to attendees at its Professional Developers Conference (PDC), and told the general public to wait for a beta early the next year.
Within hours, the Windows 7 preview leaked to online file-sharing sites.
Microsoft has made such leaks moot by offering Windows 8 itself.
On a new Windows Dev Center site, Microsoft provided links to three different versions of Windows 8.
The largest weighs in at 4.8GB and is a 64-bit edition that also includes developer tools such as a preview of Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Express and the SDK (software developers kit) for Metro-style applications.
Metro is Microsoft's name for the Windows 8 tile-based interface that borrows heavily from Windows Phone 7.
Two other editions, a 64-bit version (3.6GB) and a 32-bit version (2.8GB) of the operating system, can also be downloaded.
All are available as a disk image in .iso format that must be copied onto a DVD or USB flash drive for installation purposes.
The preview requires a PC with 1GB of RAM (2GB for the 64-bit edition) and 16GB of hard drive space (20GB for 64-bit).
To install Windows 8 and the developers tools, users must overwrite the machine's current operating system (XP, Vista or Windows 7) with a clean install. The smaller sans-tools versions, however, can be installed while retaining the files, user accounts and settings on a Vista- or Windows 7-powered PC.
As it typically does when it releases early-look software, Microsoft warned casual users to steer clear of Windows 8.
"The software is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it," said Microsoft on the download website. "It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment."

Monday, September 19, 2011

5 Tips to Make Money Through Blogging

Are you interested in earning through blogging?  Basically, earnings through blogging can be classified into two – active and passive.
Active earnings mean that you need to work to be paid.  You can render services to clients for an hourly on daily rate.  On the other hand, passive earnings can be acquired even without having to work. How is this done?  You can use affiliate links or sell products that you have already created.
The great thing about passive earning is that you can earn money even when you are away on a vacation or while you are eating. See how convenient this is?  If you want to earn passive income through blogging, you might want to try the tips below:
  • Deal products you made yourself – for instance, you can sell e-books that you wrote yourself.  You e-book can contain information about your expertise or skills.  It can be tips and tricks too.
For tech savvy individuals, you can create themes and sell them.  Just make sure that your products are of high quality so that consumers will buy them.
  • Sell your time and services – I am sure that you have a talent that you can make use of.  For example, you can set up Facebook pages, create web banners, and make layout and/or themes for those who are running online services.
Pick a service that you do best and I am sure that that will be a good source of income for you.  Again, make sure that you have high quality products to keep the customers satisfied.  Who knows, they might recommend you to their friends who might need your expertise.
  • Be a consultant – you can allot time for consultation about your niche.  You can give lessons and share your expertise for a price.  I am sure that you will earn extra income from this.
  • Give formal talks about your expertise – this is the next step following your consultancy.  You can hold seminars or talks about your niche or products.  What made this possible?  Your site or blog, of course.
As soon as you establish an authority on your niche, more and more people will recognize your expertise on your subject.  I assure you that you will be requested to impart your learning at webinars, seminars, and more.
  • Receive donations – some sites accept donations from their readers.  Would you believe me if I say that some sites thrive on donations alone?  Yep, you read it right.  But this is only possible if you have reached an extensive audience.  So keep working buddy.
Writing alone will not help you earn more income from your blog.  You need to employ other techniques and make use of your talents and skills if you want to earn more money blogging.  In addition, you need to plan your steps and then work hard for your goals.  You can take these tips into account to get your blogging business rolling too.  Good luck and I hope that these tips work well for you.
Author’s bio: Marcy Gray likes sharing her tips and tricks, and opinions through writing. In addition, she likes to write about various topics such as the first years wave stroller and britax b ready stroller.

Way to Earn Money with Your Website

Selling a product or service online will increase your exposure and can end up making your business more profitable. In addition to selling products online, you can earn money though ads and other site associate relationships. So whether you are already making money and want to increase profits or are just beginning, here are some ways you can use the Internet to bring in a nice cash flow for your business.
Job Boards
Signing up with a job board works best for bloggers who are well-developed in a specific niche. If you have a blog with a good deal of traffic already coming to your site regularly, then you can profit from a job board. Once it is set up, you don’t have to actively participate. You just collect your fee as jobs are posted. You can make $10-$1,000 per job posting.
Premium Content Access
Most blogs and websites allow free access across the board. There are those, however, that offer part of their content for free and save the premium content for paying subscribers. Premium content would include trade secrets, tools and guides, and other really valuable content. Consider charging a monthly fee for subscribers if you have high quality content and plenty of it.
Advertising on your RSS
Some advertisers will let you sign up to display CPM based advertising on your feed footer. Other blogs have begun to sell full banner ad space and sponsored messages right in their feed. With the shift from PC to mobile media, RSS is becoming more and more desirable as advertising space.
Use Monetized Widgets
Businesses like Amazon offer monetized widgets and site stripes that link right to their website. Amazon offers up to 15% referals when you advertise for them. Some monetized widgets work like text links while others work like PPC schemes or leverage affiliate links. The main difference is that the widgets are easier to plug and play on your website.
Sell Advertising Space
Some of the most popular banner formats on the web are the 125×125 button, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle, and the 728×90 leaderboard.  When you sell advertising space, you can determine your rates and who you allow on your site. This only works really well if you have a huge amount of traffic, however.
These are just a few of the many ways that you can make money from your website. Keep in mind, though, that you can overlap these efforts with each other and make your profits even larger.

Paypal comes up with Auto Withdrawal

Indian users of the PayPal service will be aware of the law that was brought into effect from March 1st 2011 for them. The rule states that –
Any balance in and all future payments into your PayPal account will not be used for the purchase of any goods or services and should be transferred to your back account within a time span of 7 days from the date of receipt of confirmation by the buyer with respect to the goods and services.
Payments related to the goods and services regarding exports with respect to your PayPal account should not exceed $500 (USD) per transaction.
The law was enforced soon after the Reserve Bank of India came up with a new set of guidelines for the organizations that carryout transactions and money storage online as well as offline.
In simple terms this means that no Indian user would be able to purchase anything using the money stored in their PayPal account and must withdraw their money within a period of 7 days, if they fail to do so, the money would get refunded to the sender by default.
 Consequences of the Law.
In case you are on a two week vacation and fail to access your PayPal account due to one reason or the other, then the money in your account will be refunded to the sender.
If your credit card is not linked to your PayPal account then you cannot purchase anything online.
Auto withdraw funds from PayPal to your bank account.
In answer to the law, PayPal has come up with a fund withdrawal system that would help you to withdraw your funds from PayPal and transfer them to your bank account by simple checking into your PayPal account and going to your profile and then clicking on the Add/Edit bank account option.
In case you have just one bank linked to the PayPal account then it will be made a default option for auto fund withdrawal. In case you have multiple back accounts linked they can choose as to which account the funds should be withdrawn to.

SugarSync for Online Data Storage

here are online services that let you store your stuff online.  These services have certain benefits like, it enables you to store your data in a manner that it can be retrieved from anywhere (you don’t need to schlep your laptop everywhere you go just because all your data is stored in it.), you can get your system configured at any point of time, as the files get synchronised automatically and you can use your laptop anywhere without fear of losing your data, due to any mishap. One such online service is SugarSync and has been discussed below.
SugarSync 5GB free
As the name suggests SugarSync online service provides the user with 5GB storage free of cost. An outstanding feature of the service is that it enables the user to synchronize the data between the various systems that the user owns, thus enabling the user to access the data from any given location.
In case you are not carrying your laptop along with you, you can still have access to the data from your Blackberry or iPhone. Convenient isn’t it? You can increase your free storage space to 10 GB. All you need to do is, refer your friends and relatives to this site and each time you refer a person, both you and the person who you refer gets 500 MB free space on SugarSync.

10 Ways to Use Twitter More Efficiently

Social networking sites are a great way to be in touch with your family and friends and that’s something that everyone knows but most of us are unable to make full use of these social networking sites because we are not well acquainted with the way they are to be used. It would surely be a nice to know the exact functioning of the sites and the options that are present on these sites. We had previously published an article that was dedicated to Facebook, so that you can get to know how to use the various options available.
So how can Twitter be far behind? This post will tell how to use Twitter in a more efficient way and you can be the cause of envy among your friends because you are one step ahead when it comes to using the site.
  • Add tweets to the fan page of your Facebook profile
The Twitter tab on Facebook enables you to add the Update tab on Facebook, upon using this people will be able to access your albums, tweets etc. You can also go for the Tweetpad application that has a special feature that will update you with what is presently happening on your Twitter profile. You can also use Invover to link your Twitter account to your Facebook fan page.
  •  Share Files on Twitter
In case you wish to share more than just 140 characters’ thought with friends on Twitter then you can do this by simply using Filesocial.com, a service that lets you share files on Twitter.
  • Back up your Twitter account
In case you are worried about losing data on Twitter account in case something happens to the site then you can create a back-up of your account with the help of Tweetbackup.
  • Know when a Twitter follower quits following you
If you want to know which of your friends has stopped following you on Twitter, then you can do so with the help of Twunfollow, which is a utility that shows you, who has stopped following you.
  • Translate Tweets into 40 languages
In case you are looking for some via your Twitter account, then you must try the Twitter Translate application that will translate your tweets in 40 languages.
  • Link Twitter to your WordPress blog
Tweeting is a craze these days and in case you are one of those people who have a WordPress blog then you will be happy to know that you can link your Twitter account to your blog, so that your followers on Twitter can read your blogs as well.
  • Keep a track of your followers and non-followers.
Twitter Followers Monitor is a very simple tool that is available free of cost and will let you keep a tab on your followers and non-followers.

How to generate traffic to your site

At the end of this article you will not find me suggesting you to buy any CD or tutorial, The reason for the assurance is because in most of the cases we face the same situation. I just wanted to share some simple techniques which you can actually do YOURSELF without spending much money, to generate traffic to your own site effectively..

As you might understand that generating traffic to your site has probably become more important than even launching a very unique idea through it. Until there is nobody to appreciate, neither you get the worth of your investment nor do you generate business. it’s interesting to observe that how well designed and more informative portals lose out to their competitors just because people don’t know about them. No matter whether you have a business portal or a private blog; the secret of success is only in reaching more and more web audience. This may be the reason many marketers are coming up with higher e-campaign budget and getting interested in hiring professional service providers for higher visibility in the web.Starting from partnering with Google Adsense or using Adwords to advertising to blog sites and other popular portals there are many ways the repute of website can increase. The cost incurred depends on the approach you are going to take and the method that you are going to follow.

Allow me discuss a few of them here which you can actually implement without much ado, and more importantly, by yourself

1. The search engine - Search engine transfers maximum traffic to a lesser known websites. people search keywords in search engines and the engine shows the list of related websites. The sites which are more optimized to the keyword will come first. There is a steep contest between sites to reach the first page of a search engine on any particular keyword search. And the process of helping the sites doing it is called Search Engine Optimization. Some trickey activities are involved in that, but it’s worth learning about SEO to have a really heavy traffic onto your portal.

2. Social networking sites - Use the social networking sites like facebook , twitter, linkedIn, Orkut, MySpace, Digg and all others which are there. these sites are blessed with visitors who are more active than anything. variety of users with wide range of interest. if you have a strong message to convey or an interesting campaign to make, come here and share with people your business interests by publicizing your site.

3. Participate in forums - After you are sure about your business interest or the message you want to share through your websites to your target customer base; join relevant forums. forum traffic is volatile, may be after a quick 1st hit, many will not return to your site, but may be that is not a case for all your your site has enough content to bring them back again.

4. Write press release - Press release sites are purposely made especially for self-promoting. Just write press release campaigns promoting your site there. though some of them charge money to upload your content but there are huge number of reputed sites who will give you free access to post press release. Writing up a great press release can overall entice new readers and create new hype or publicity for your overall web business if it sparks readers’ attention. In all aspects of advertising or self promoting, if you entice the average visitor, you are sure to receive more web traffic than you have originally planned.

5. Write Articles - Show your prowess over the language or mastery over the subject matter (if you have it) and write articles to article directory sites to reach a wide reader base. this is may be the best idea to popularize your blog and earn the due attention which you needed for long. A loyal reader base and subscribers can start following you once they find your article interesting, which you posted in the article directories.

6. Write guest posts - Writing guest post to other blogs and forums might be a great idea if really have some good knowledge over the subject matter of your domain or clarity about your sites business interest. Ofcourse your profile interests people more in giving your point of view some repute, but even if you are not blessed with a great professional profile you can always complement that with your writing ability.

7. Start Video Social Networking – In edition to regular social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace, video social networking is a powerful way to showcase a new brand overall. Simply because generally YouTube videos that are fun and edgy, find their selves in more hype and in the “thousands viewers” zone. This new found way to generate more web traffic to your website, is a must to go along your list of ways to promote your business. If you haven’t noticed, almost everyone uses YouTube and by incorporating video creation in your tool belt of methods to promoting your business, you can attract a more wider range of potential buyers. And not to say, start even a community of your own.

8. Start a Network of Related Bloggers – If you are seriously into blogging, creating your very own blog network is an excellent idea to showcase blog publishing from a wide range of quality bloggers that cover the same topic. Not only is this idea of starting your very own network of related bloggers, is a great way for readers to find more relevant and resourceful information on a certain topic, it allows you to create new found relationships as well as increase exposure for each blog associated in the network. The more your network grows, the more visibility you get. Because as you may know, it is a network and the blog shares visitors by openly displaying links to other blogs in the total network and so on.

There are companies who are actually into this business of providing clients with similar services. they have package deals to offer as well as time span regulated service, some are costly some are reasonable. But, they too follow the more less the above tasks which we discussed under flowery names.Strong workforce helps them to aggressively circulate the information via those techniques, that a new star has born or a sleeping giant is waking up.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization
In simple terms SEO is the set of processes by which a website can be put into the top search results of any search engine. If a site comes in one of the top search results, the probability is that, higher number of users will enter into the site to find relevant information. This is quite understandable, You search for something in Google, say, “the costliest pen on earth”. Google will show you
”Results 110 of about 13,900 for the costliest pen on earth”
and you will find a number of site links discussing the same (or similar) topic. You will scroll at most though the Google 1st two pages of search results and will click on the link which you think will share the best information. Would you really bother what the 3000th search result or even the 50th ?? maybe not. Here lies the utmost importance to optimize a site for the search result, because more than 70% traffic is diverted to different websites via the search engine’s search results.
Bottom line is whatever content you put into your website, if it does not come in one of the top search results; then your site is nothing but a failure. Nobody will ever find it.
The Keyword Concept
The text that you type in the search bar of any search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing is your keyword. You may type a single word like “soccer”, a phrase like “latest song download” or a sentence like “List of Red Cross office locations in Iraq”. A search engine will match your typed text with different websites which are already indexed with relevant content. Indexing is nothing but the listing of keywords available in a website,found and accessed by a search engine crawler.
How does a search engine work?
First, search engines crawl the Web to see what is there. A piece of software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the case with Google) does this. Spiders follow links from one page to another and index everything they find on their way. It is impossible for a spider to visit a site daily just to see if a new page has appeared or if an existing page has been modified, please remember that there are more than 20 billion web pages. Sometimes crawlers will not visit your site for a month or two. Another thing you must remember that the crawler will not read images, Flash movies, JavaScript, frames, password-protected pages and directories in your website.
After a page is crawled, indexing of the content happens next. It is basically the listing of visible keywords using search engine specific algorithm. The indexed page is then stored in a large database, from where it can later be retrieved. Essentially, the process of indexing is identifying the word s and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular keywords. When a search request comes, since it is likely that more than one pages (practically it is millions of pages) contains the search string, the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index to the search string by several logics and algorithms to calculate relevancy. All major search engines, like Yahoo!, Google, MSN, etc. periodically change their algorithms and if you want to keep at the top, you also need to adapt your pages to the latest changes.
The last step is the display of the search result which is simply putting your website’s link in the search result list, So that people finds it easily.
SEO service companies do exactly these things for you by using some necessary SEO tools and techniques. They optimize your site on the basis of some specific keywords so that your site comes in one of the top results when a user searches with the keyword. At the end of the day SEO helps to ensure that your site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine and naturally will generate more traffic or help you reaching your target customers.
SEO techniques, what SEO service providers exactly do?
Now, if you want to optimize your site in a search engine and hire a SEO service provider company for doing the same; what exactly it will do?
Briefly, they will first analyse your site content for relevancy, they will suggest what keywords you should have and to have those keyword optimized what modifications you need to do in your site. Next they will use some particular methods like
  • SEO strategy building
  • Site Analysis
  • SEO copywriting
  • Metatag copywriting
  • Directory posting
  • Article submission
  • Social book marking
  • Create anchor text links
  • Forum posting
  • Link building and exchange
  • Keyword ranking and Auditing
And many more…
In my next post, I would certainly take up these activities individually and discuss in detail.

Google PageRank Update June 2011

Google is coming up with new and latest PageRank update for June 2011. The last time there was a PageRank update was in January 2011 and this is actually very soon that Google has brought out another PageRank update.
PageRank is the rank that Google gives to websites and this is used to optimize conetent when you search things on Google search. Note that Google is most widely used search engine and I don’t need to tell you that almost ecerybody uses Google for internet search. The higher the PageRank of a website, the more is the possibility of the content on the website to be displayed on the first page. Also note that different articles on the same website also have different PageRank. Isn’t this something interesting?
The new PageRank update has been in talks for a quite long time and now the news is out. There have been widespread speculations regarding the new PageRank update because the last time Google introduced its new PageRank update in January this year, many websites were highly penalized for their content on the internet and many websites that had very good standing were thrown out of the game. In the meanwhile, some websites that were not worthy enough were displayed on the Google search’s first page. This was caused due to a fault in the Google algorithm according to which ranks articles and web pages.
Many critics and web masters are positive regarding the new PageRank update as they see some possibility of improvement this time in the Google PageRank algorithm. However, it is said that if you had made some mistakes earlier and had suffered losses due to that, then you should learn from those mistakes and try not to repeat them.
Anyone who owns a website should check his websites PageRank right away.

Google Gets Approval for Self Driven Nevada Cars

Google has been experimenting with the self driven cars for a long time now. Google was experimenting with its cars and now it has got approval for its self driven cars. The technology will be currently approved only in the State of Nevada and all other cities will have to wait for the law to come to their state. The State of Nevada has formulated some special laws that will allow such autonomous cars to ply in their cities.
However, it doesn’t mean that the cars will be street ready and need further refinement. The law will take effect on March 1, 2012. Google has already tested the autonomous cars very thoroughly and the engineers responsible for testing these vehicles have gone as far as 140, 000 kilometers. Now that much distance to be travelled by autonomous cars isn’t a joke at all.
Self Driven
The self driven cars are the future of car technology. Self driven cars aren’t being developed by Google alone as Volkswagen is also testing its driverless cars and has plans to get approvals for the launch on the roads

Google Street View

Google recently grounded all its street view cars globally. Why? The main reason behind this is: The Company was capturing WiFi data whilst driving about the globe.
Now Google will see to it that the WiFi scanning equipment is removed from cars as well as the software used to capture the data. Data captured by the cars includes Photos and 3D building imagery.
Google have approved a protocol to ensure any WiFi-related software is also removed from the cars before they start driving again.
The company is now about to re-send out cars in various countries. The roll out of Google Street View cars will start in Ireland, Norway, South Africa and Sweden. These countries will be followed by other countries in the weeks to come.

Google Street View Paused in Bengaluru

If you are a regular person to the technology news websites or read the newspaper thoroughly then you might be well aware that Google had earlier said that they were going to launch the Google Street View in India. The service was to start first from the city of Bengaluru. There is a bad news tough that the service has been suspended due to some troubles from the Indian government. Police commissioner form Bengaluru said that the service will have to be suspended considering the security issues that haunt this city.
The Google Street View is a service that will let you see the whole city as it actually is and the service is also very useful for GPS navigation as well. Google had employed some specially designed cars for the purpose for taking videos and pictures of all the parts of this city and this might be something that irked the Indian government. They don’t want all the parts of the city to be photographed and to be put on the internet to be viewed by all. However, Google hasn’t breached any privacy policies because it had sought permission before this venture in India.
Google Street View
Google Street View
Google Street View
This Google Street View feature exists for all cities across the world but in India it doesn’t exist and Bengaluru was to be the first city from India to have this feature.

Know How Much Google Knows About You

Are you an ardent fan of Google services? How many Google applications do you use on an average? I’m sure you might be using Gmail, Picassa, Blogger.com, Google Chrome etc. If that’s the case then you should know that Google knows a lot more about you than you would want them to know. We are well aware of the fact that these web services do have our personal information once we register with them. You may be interested in knowing how much does Google know about you. There is a very simple way to find out how much information do they have about you. All you need to do is, go to www.google.com/dashboard, after which you need to log into your Gmail account.
On opening your account you find all the information that Google has regarding you. It will all be present in one place.
The total number of mails you sent and received, the latest application you downloaded and installed using Google Chrome, your latest purchase with the help of checkout and even the latest picture you shared via Picassa. It is all there. This does seem to be worrisome, given that Google does have access to your most private activities, even though you are oblivious to it.