With a blog you can earn money without spending money. If you are looking for a way to start earning money on the Internet and you have a budget that is very small or zero, blogging is a great way to get started. Exactly, if you are terrible to design or don't want to spend money for hosting a website, blogger is the best choice for you to build your own empire to make money online.
First, you have to find a blog name (if possible please choose it as a keyword). Title should refer to your content and includes the keyword as well.
Register at blogger.com:
- Click on "CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW" > Fill out the form
- Enter title and blog address > Choose a template
- Start Posting > Enter title and Content
- Click on Setting > Click on Publishing > Notify weblogs.com change to "YES" (weblogs.com is a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes).
You can make money online with a free blog by joining advertisement program such as Google AdSense and other Pay Per Click programs. Or you can join with Affiliate Niches for free.
How to ping a blog, just click on http://pingomatic.com
Especially, with a blog no need any codes or programs you just follow the instruction on the blog is done. It's simple! Easy to earn!
What is a Blog
A blog is a simple web page that anyone can set up for free. A blog is a voice among the online crowd. It's a personal website that everyone can register for free. You have nothing to spend to have a blog for making money on the Internet. What you have to do just choose a good name with your keyword for your blog is done.How to Register a Blog
Register a blog is as easy as create an email account. You can register a blog with blogger.com, wordpress.com, hubpages.com, or squidoo.com. All of these blogs have many benefits toFirst, you have to find a blog name (if possible please choose it as a keyword). Title should refer to your content and includes the keyword as well.
Register at blogger.com:
- Click on "CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW" > Fill out the form
- Enter title and blog address > Choose a template
- Start Posting > Enter title and Content
- Click on Setting > Click on Publishing > Notify weblogs.com change to "YES" (weblogs.com is a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes).
You can make money online with a free blog by joining advertisement program such as Google AdSense and other Pay Per Click programs. Or you can join with Affiliate Niches for free.
How to Ping a Blog
When you finish posting, you need to ping it. Pinging lets the blog directories know that something has changed. The search engines will come crawling / updating. Every time, you post new content to your blog, you need to ping it.How to ping a blog, just click on http://pingomatic.com
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