
Monday, September 19, 2011

Search Engine Optimization and Google Analytics

You will never tell how good or bad your search engine optimization (SEO) marketing strategies are without some kind of evaluating mechanism. The sole aim of using   SEO services is to make sure that products advertised are as visible to as many web users as they can be. Visibility only accounts the target audience you are able to reach. This alone is not enough information to help you in analysis. This is why Google, a giant and most respected search engine, developed Google Analytics, a tool that helps in analyzing website values.
In this service, Google provides in-depth statistics about the traffic flow on a certain website. This flow constitutes of the number of visitors visiting that particular website. The information might include activities each visitor carried on the site. This might be as far as which page they end up visiting for the longest time as well as mostly. The Google analytics might also retain the IP address so as to help you determine which part of the globe they are viewing the website from.  This information is vital for you established assets and liabilities on your website. You can also tell which page needs to be improved and which one should be omitted. The information on geographical location would help yuo determine our market niche as well as its radius. This is how vital Google analytics are. The cost should not cause a wrinkle because the service is absolutely free.
For beginners, using the Google analytics can be a little bit challenging due to statistic graphs involved. When you get the metrics right, then you are as good as a seasoned user. Understanding the graph can be daunting, but the figures are necessary to weigh the volume of audiences coming in to a site. But to make things less complicated, here are some pointers:
The first area is the entry point of your traffic. This segment will help you to understand how your visitors ended up at your site. It will help you determined whether they came directly to your site or were they linked to it by recommendation of search engines. This information will prove to be valuable in reinforcing the current marketing strategy you have. You are able to establish the number of visitors who came through the keywords, which specific keywords as well as the number of visitors that keyword guided to your website.
The second segment is content. The content is what sells the product. How captivating and enticing the content is, translates to how long the visitor stays as well as if the visitor will make the next step of purchasing the product. Google analytics will give details on how many visitors viewed each page, demographic details of each visitor as well as   the time spent on the site by each. By this tool you are also able to establish the bounce rate. Bouncing online is used to refer to those visitors who visit your site and then shift to another website. This will also establish the percentage in terms of new visitors and the last segment is the goal segment.
In every SEO campaign, a specific and attainable goal should be set. How often the goals were achieved and by which margin they were, determines   how successful the whole operation is.

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